Вологодский многопрофильный лицей
Librarius Novissima Scholae Magistri Varia Russian Scribe nobis
Vologda Multiple-discipline Lyceum
Address: 160235, Vologda, Proletarskaya ul., 18
Director – Khlebnikova Galina Ivanovna
Latin language in Vologda Multiple-discipline Lyceum is taught during 2 years, 6th and 7th forms of the humanitarian direction.
Total course is 128 hours, 2 hours per week. There is an examination in the end of 7th form.
Latin language has been taught since 1996 (first students of the direction “Harmony”).
The first teacher was Sergey Kuzichev, then came Liudmila Sedlova and Liudmila Zorina.
There are about 20 students per class. For Latin lessons they are divided into 2 groups (about 10 students).
Main textbooks are Lingua Latina by A. Podossinov and N. Schchaveleva and Latin Language by N. Katsman and L. Ulianova. Also many additional materials are used.

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