The biennial International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics has been held
continuously for nearly three decades, first in Amsterdam (1981), then
in Aix-en-Provence (1983), Bologna (1985), Cambridge (1987),
Louvain-la-Neuve (1989), Budapest (1991), Jerusalem (1993), Eichstätt
(1995), Madrid (1997), Paris (1999), Amsterdam (2001), Bologna (2003),
Brussels (2005), Erfurt (2007), and Innsbruck (2009). Each of these
conferences has resulted in one or more volumes of proceedings on a wide
range of issues in Latin linguistics, in phonology, morphosyntax,
semantics, pragmatics, and text structure. Participants have found each
of these meetings a stimulating and rewarding experience.
The meetings are organized under the auspices of the International
Committee on Latin Linguistics, whose members are:
Philip Baldi (The Pennsylvania State University)
Gualtiero Calboli (Università degli Studi di Bologna)
Michèle Fruyt (Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne)
Benjamin García Hernández (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Gerd V. M. Haverling (Uppsala universitet)
Manfred Kienpointner (Universität Innsbruck)
Caroline Kroon (Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Christian Lehmann (Universität Erfurt)
Dominique Longrée (Université de Liège et Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis. Bruxelles)
Hannah Rosén (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem).
The 16th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics will be held in
2011, June 6–11, at the University of Uppsala, and will be organized by
the Department of Linguistics and Philology with the help of
/Akademikonferens/, and in collaboration with colleagues from other
Registration will start on Monday afternoon June 6 and will continue the
following morning. After an opening session there will be a first
plenary paper, which will be followed by shorter papers in different
sessions. The papers will be presented in working sessions from Tuesday
7 through Saturday 11 (closing session in the afternoon).
There will be an excursion on the afternoon of Thursday the 9^th and
possibly, if a sufficient number of participants are interested in it,
there will be another and longer one on Sunday 12.
The conference will be held in English, French, German, Spanish, and
Italian. It will be devoted to all aspects of Latin linguistics, whether
from a synchronic or a diachronic perspective. As usual, papers will be
limited to 30 minutes (including questions).
If there is sufficient interest, one or more workshops on selected
topics could be arranged. Preference will be given to contributions with
a certain theoretical dimension.
The deadlines are:
— for the first response and indication of interest in participation,
June 30, 2010
— for the definitive paper titles, September 1, 2010
— for detailed abstracts, December 1, 2010.
In order to organize the discussions, participants will be asked to send
their texts and/or detailed hand-outs to their session chairman by May
15, 2011.
The conference fee will be Euro 110. This fee covers participation in
the conference itself, the book of abstracts, the opening reception, a
Wednesday excursion, and beverages during breaks.
Information relating to payment and hotel registration will be provided
in the Second Announcement.
If you intend to participate in the conference or are interested in
receiving further information, please answer this mail (to the address: by the end of
June. In view of the costs involved, it is our policy to use e-mail and
the Internet whenever possible. We therefore urgently request that you
use e-mail and verify for us of your preferred e-mail address. If this,
however, is impossible, please contact us by ordinary mail; this must be
addressed as follows:
Gerd V. M. Haverling
16th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics
Department of Linguistics and Philology
Uppsala University
Box 635
SE – 751 26 Uppsala