VIIIth VIII Международная конференция об устности и письменности в Древнем мире (1-6 июля 2008, Неймеген, Нидерланды)
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Programme of VIIIth International Conference on Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World: Orality, Literacy and Religion

RadboudUniversity, 1-6 July 2008

Tuesday, JULY 1

12:00-18:00Arrival at Soeterbeeck + registration

18:00-19:00Opening Reception

19:00-20:00Arrival Dinner

Wednesday, JULY 2

Morning session: Greek Literature 1

08:50-09:00Opening remarks by Eric Moormann, Director of Research in the Humanities of the faculty of Arts of the RadboudUniversity

09:00-09:40Nikolaos Lazaridis (RadboudUniversityNijmegen)

“Chitchat on the Nile: Dialogues between Men and Divine Beings in Ancient Egyptian Literature”

09:40-10:20Elizabeth Minchin (AustralianNationalUniversity)

“The Words of Gods: Divine Discourse in Homer’s Iliad


10:40-11:20Margalit Finkelberg (TelAvivUniversity)

“Formula and Innovation in Homer’s Descriptions of Zeus”

11:20-12:00Domenico Lembo (Federico II University Naples)

“Theophoric Phrases in the Ancient Greek Language”


Afternoon session: Greek and Roman Religion

13:00-13:40Chris Faraone (University of Chicago)

Hexametrical Incantations as Oral and Written Phenomena

13:40-14:20François de Polignac (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris)

“Orality and Writing in Archaic Greek dedications”


14:30-15:10Franco Ferrari (Università dell’Aquila)

“Oral Bricolage and Ritual Context in the Gold Tablets”


15:40-16:20Georgi Gochev (New BulgarianUniversity, Sofia)

“How (un)easy is it to swear an oath? (on Plato, Laws XII, 948B 3 – 949C 5)”

16:20-17:00Crystal Addey (Universityof Bristol), “Assuming the mantle of the gods:

‘unknowable names’, hieratic formulae and invocations in the ritual praxis of Late Antiquity”

Evening Programme Wednesday, July 2



19:00-20:00: Key-note address by Rosalind Thomas (University of Oxford)

“Oratory, mass psychology and written text in democratic Athens”

20:00-22:00Reception hosted by Brill Publishers

Thursday, JULY 3

Morning session: Sacred Laws

09:00-09:40Michael Gagarin (University of Texas, Austin)

“Writing Sacred Laws”

09:40-10:20Eleni Volonaki (University of Peloponnese)

“The Significance of the Publication of the Sacred Laws”


10:40-11:20Sarah Hitch (University of Bristol)

“Announcing the Proerosia: Embedded speech in the leges sacrae

11:20-12:00Evelyn van 't Wout(UtrechtUniversity)

From oath-swearing to sanctio legis: the introduction of atimia-terminology in legal inscriptions


Afternoon session: Greek Literature 2

13:00-13:40Fiona Hobden (University of Liverpool)

“Enter the Divine: Sympotic Performance and Religious Experience”

13:40-14:20Maria Pavlou (University of Bristol)

“Myth and re-enactment in Pindar’s religious poetry”


14:30-15:10Caroline Trieschnigg (RadboudUniversityNijmegen)

“Shut up and Sing: The Religious Role of the Chorus in Aeschylus’

Seven against Thebes


15:40-16:20Ruth Scodel (University of Michigan)

“Euripides, P. Derveni, and the Smoke of Many Books”

16:20-17:00Neneva Panova (SofiaUniversity)

“The Daemon of Socrates and Socrates as Daemon. The Oral Level of Philosophy according to Plato”




Morning session: Greek Literature and Religion

09:00-09:40Athena Kavoulaki (University of Crete)

“Escorting and manifesting the gods: traditional patterns of ritual and poetic performances”

09:40-10:20Mieke de Vos (Radboud University Nijmegen)

“Images of the divine and femininity in the dedicatory epigrams of Nossis”


10:40-11:20Mark Alonge (BostonUniversity)

“Orality and Textuality in Greek Hymns”

11:20-12:00Andromache Karanika (University of California, Irvine), “Homer the Prophet:

Homeric Verses as Oracular Practice”


13:00:Departure for excursion to Xanten (Germany), including dinner

ca. 21:00Return to conference center


Morning session: Early Christianity

09:00-09:40Akio Ito (TokyoChristianUniversity)

“Paul the ‘Herald’: Centrality of Oral Performances in the 1st Century Mission Works”

09:40-10:20James Morrison (CentreCollege)

“Divine Voice and Human Leadership in the Early Christian Church”


10:40-11:20Vincent Hunink (RadboudUniversityNijmegen)

“Singing together in church: Augustine’s psalm against the Donatists”

11:20-12:00Hallie Meredith (Bard Graduate Center, New York)

“Writing Spoken Words: Displaying Ephemeral Acts in Late Antiquity”


Afternoon session: Latin Literature

13:00-13:40Niall Slater (EmoryUniversity)

“Performing Plautine Theology”

13:40-14:20Ana Rodríguez Mayorgas (University of California, Berkeley)

Annales Maximi: writing, memory and religious performance in the RomanRepublic


14:30-15:10Vanessa Berger (University of Paris X / Canada)

“Orality in Livy’s Representation of the Divine: the Construction of a

Polyphonic Narrative”


15:40-16:20Trevor S. Luke (FloridaStateUniversity)

“Nero, Prophecy, and the production of religious community”

16:20-17:00Bé Breij (RadboudUniversityNijmegen)

“Dilemmas of pietas in Roman declamation”


18:00-19:30Conference Dinner


Departure after breakfast

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